S. Lorentzou, S. Petrakis, A. Asimakopoulou, P. Baltzopoulou, Ch.Pagkoura, D. Deloglou, E. Papaioannou (2022) "Occupational Health Impact Assessment of Aerosolized Minerals via Acellular EPR Spectroscopy and In-vitro Biological Assays Combined with Air-Liquid Interface Cell Exposure", 11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC2022), September 4-9, Athens, Greece.

Results of the IMPACT project were presented at the 11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC2022) held on  September 4-9, in Athens.

In the work presented, a preliminary evaluation was carried out to investigate the effect of fine mineral particles (e.g. quartz sand and olivine [(Mg,Fe)2SiO4]) that are used for high temperature industrial applications, such as in steel industry and foundries.

The study focuses on parts of the production chain/processes where fine particles are used, and there is likely to be a release of particles into the workplace air.



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